Visual Basic 5.0 Fractal Galaxy Program: VB FGalaxy.bas

The program VB FGalaxy.bas is a Visual Basic 5.0 which uses the concept of a Mandelbrot Set to simulate the Universe consisting of Fractal Galaxies.
Using the mouse you can select different parts of this Universe, enlarge the dipslay and new galaxies will appear ad infinitum.
For an explanation of the Mandelbrot Set See: Mandelbrot Set

This same program is also implemented using Visual Basic 2010.
To get more information go to: Visual Basic 2010 Fractal Galaxy Programs: "VB2010 FGalaxy" and "VB2010 FGaxaly PP"

To travel through this Fractal Universe select the following picture.

In total there are 13 pictures. Each picture is an enlargement with a factor of 10. The part that is enlarged is in the center.

VB Program: VB FGalaxy.bas Operation

The program contains two forms: A Control Form and a Display Form.
The Control Form is used to control the program. The Display Form shows the result of the simulation.
FGalaxy The Control Form contains 3 commands: Start, End and Stop
  • The Start Command is used to start the simulation.
    After the Start Command is selected the End Command changes into Stop Command
    At the end of the simulation the Stop Command changes back into End Command
  • The End Command is used to terminate the program.
  • The Stop Command is used to terminate a specific simulation.
The Control Form also contains the following parameters:
Picture, Size, Amplification, Counter MaxTop Left, Bottom Right, Time,X Center and Y Center

If you want to investigate the details of the Fractal Universe in more details the first thing you always have to do is to select "START" to observe picture #1.
When the display is finished there are three ways to observe the details.

  1. The first method is to make one selection with the mouse and use amplification This method goes as follow:
    • Select "START" and observe picture #1: startup fractal universe.
      When finished perform the next:
    • Select with the mouse a particular point at the center of the area you want to investigate and do a Single Click.
      As a result the two x,y parameters Top Left will change.
    • Select an amplification factor. In most cases this will be 10 higher than the previous one.
      That means picture #1 has amplification factor of 1, picture #2 of 10, picture #3 of 100 etc.
    • Select "START".
      Next the program peforms the following calculations:
      • The picture number is increased with one.
      • The (x,y) coordinates of the center are calculated.
      • The two x,y parameters Top Left are changed back to zero.
      After these initial calculation the simulation starts and when finished you can repeated this whole process

      If you are not exactly satisfied which the picture and you want to move the picture up:
      Select a point with the mouse below the center of the picture. Single Click and select "START"
      If you are not satisfied which the picture and you want to move the picture slightly down:
      Select a point with the mouse above the center of the picture. Single Click and select "START"
      In all these cases the picture number will not change because the amplification factor stayed the same.
  2. The second method uses two selections with the mouse This method goes as follow:
    • Select "START" and observe picture #1: startup fractal universe.
      When finished perform the next:
    • Select with the mouse a particular point at the top left of the area you want to investigate and do a Single Click.
      As a result the two x,y parameters Top Left will change.
    • Select with the mouse a particular point at the bottom right of the area you want to investigate and do a Single Click.
      As a result the two x,y parameters Bottom Right will change.
    • Select "START".
      Next the program peforms the following calculations:
      • The picture number is increased with one.
      • The (x,y) coordinates of the center are calculated.
      • The amplification factor is calculated.
      • The two x,y parameters Top Left are changed back to zero and the two x,y parameters Bottom Right are changed back to zero.
      After these initial calculation the simulation starts and when finished you can repeated this whole process
  3. The third method is to enter directly the (x,y) coordinates of the center and the amplification factor.
    • Select the parameter x center and enter a value. Select the parameter y center and enter a value.
    • Select an amplification factor. For example Picture #1 has Amplification factor of 1, Picture #2 of 10. Picture #3 of 100 etc.
    • Select "START".
      • In this particular case the program does not have to calculate the (x,y) coordinates of the center
      • The first thing is that the program does is calculate the (x,y) coordinates of the Top Left and Bottom Right of the display. This is the same as in method 2.
      • The final step is to calculate the colors of each pixel, line by line.
  4. The fourth methode is the simplest. Enter a picture # and select "Start". This methode is only possible after a certain number of pictures are stored.

VB Program: VB FGalaxy.bas source

In order to get the Visual Basic 5.0 source and the executable program use the following zip file:VB
The Zip files contains the following 6 files: The Visual Basic Executable program requires MSVDVM50.DLL:


The program shows a Universe consisting of Fractal Galaxies. However this Universe does not represent the reality.
The truth is that no physical phenomena can be accurately described using the "Mandelbrot Set" or Fractal concept, including the Universe.

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First Release: 4 July 2012

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